Recent content by Rob

  1. Rob

    Patch panel to light board

    THIS is the product you're looking for. We make this product for both sourcing and sinking (thus the diodes on board) to control 16 analog loads with DMX.
  2. Rob

    Etcnet2 Node Dropping edmx

    If it's works for the first 3-5 minutes, then stops, it sounds like an IGMP issue on the switches. See if you can disable IGMP Snooping to test. Then, have a serious look at the config of the the Querier if you find that the issue.
  3. Rob

    Best practices as house when hosting touring production's lighting network

    eLink aside, Pathway ssACN (described here) is ideal in PACs with multiple rooms. Each security domain firewalls all config and DMX to the specific room, but visibility (and those with network rights) can see the whole building.
  4. Rob

    Best practices as house when hosting touring production's lighting network

    eLink is becoming very popular for all the reasons you've asked. In years gone by, the touring act would just call for house lights and an operator would run one fader to half, then to out. This was typically necessary as the house lights were rarely DMX. As the world evolved, it was simple...
  5. Rob

    Best practices as house when hosting touring production's lighting network

    Ha. Very timely post. Just this week I shot this video which is a detailed description of how our eLink is being used to reduce a large rig into manageable numbers.More on eLink here including more videos and explainers on how it’s used as a guest console on-ramp and keeps touring rigs...
  6. Rob

    Control/Dimming Pathport PWPP Portable DMX Gateway

    Oh - you want weedy Jay ? lol Thanx to one of me engineers, Maurits, I've been further educated reading this. Referring to 2.1.1. Special First Octet Bits, this chart show the 'bit' (sic) we're talking about, which is '1' for all sACN addresses (in fact, for all multicast traffic in general)...
  7. Rob

    Control/Dimming Pathport PWPP Portable DMX Gateway

    WARNING: Serious geek talk follows: Jay. I actually didn’t misspeak when I said Broadcast. The Broadcast bit is set when addressing sACN addresses 239.255.x.y. It’s up to switches to determine if Group Management is employed. Without IGMP, sACN _IS_ Broadcast. Quoting this article:IPv4...
  8. Rob

    Control/Dimming Pathport PWPP Portable DMX Gateway

    sACN will get to the gateways regardless of the subnet mask. By default (without IGMP) sACN is broadcast. Everybody will see it.
  9. Rob

    Control/Dimming Pathport PWPP Portable DMX Gateway

    If you scroll to the port the Pathport is connected to, click and roll down to "NETWORK PARTNER (LLDP)", click then scroll, you'll see the Label, IP, MAC, and f/w version it's running.
  10. Rob

    Control/Dimming Pathport PWPP Portable DMX Gateway

    Hi Geoff, Sorry for the trouble. You said no security has been added. If the device running firmware v4 or greater? If so, then you will need to opt out of security or use Pathscape to set up a domain. Please see this article. Other instructions on how to enable the Rx protocols are on page 33...
  11. Rob

    Network switch problem

    Our product called eLink can solve this problem multiple ways. Please see the video or spec sheet for system risers and configurations. As you have three consoles, you may need to have Pathscape running to download a new Patch to the eLink for each setup, but can easily be done live online.
  12. Rob

    Richard Pilbrow R.I.P.

    RP (RIP) For my friends on CB that are not linked to me on LinkedIn, I'll copy and paste my thoughts here: The world has lost a great man today. Before he left us, I was happy to hear that his darling wife Molly managed to read this note to him and it brought a smile to his face:I so fondly...
  13. Rob

    Lighting Control Protocol

    IMO - there is still a lot of Fred DNA left at ETC.
  14. Rob

    Lighting Control Protocol

    I think the hands down winner is now sACN. Even we, Pathway Connectivity - the authors of the Pathport Protocol, suggest people use sACN. Some advantages:Multiple sources (consoles) Multiple sinks (as many outputs as you need - most protocols support this) Priority levels per Universe (1-200)...
  15. Rob

    Pathway PWREP RDM Turn off RDM

    Sux for you. Sorry. Page 6 of this document has some good trouble shooting tips you can do with a multimeter.