Colortran Console brochures - 1980s


Well-Known Member
Here are some recent scans of the 1988 Colortran line of consoles - The Prestige 3000, 2000, & 1000, the Scenemaster 60, and the Patchman.

These consoles have a lot of nostalgic value for me as the Scenemaster 60 was the first non-preset control desk I ever used in 1989.

It's interesting to note that the idea of an "output" protocol gets some mention, but you have to remember that this was the tail-end of proprietary control protocals. DMX was available but not ubiquitous, Colortran's CMX was still their "standard" issue, and these boards also seemed to offer a limited on-board functionality for at least a number of analog outputs.


  • Patchman (1988).pdf
    3.5 MB · Views: 588
  • Prestige 1000 (1988).pdf
    1.9 MB · Views: 486
  • Prestige 2000 (1988).pdf
    3 MB · Views: 506
  • Prestige 3000 (1988).pdf
    6.7 MB · Views: 584
  • Scenemaster 60 (1988).pdf
    2.3 MB · Views: 510
Had a Prestige 2000, a 1000 and a Patchman.

The button design and layout on the Prestige made for a very nice user interface. It was the fastest console I’ve ever used for programming. What they don’t show in the brochure was the Designers Remote, a graphical tablet that you laid an 8-1/2”x11 plot or whatever, pressed a pen and could call up channels, units, whatever you programmed. It was so cool.
Also any manuals for the Lee Colortran ENR 96 Dimmer Rack. I have the one for the Status 24/48 board. Actually I have a couple of copies of that due to the fact that I ran off a second copy for me to hold om to and one to leave by the light board when the system was installed in the theater. Now that COVID has happened and my theater is closed for good and the Colortran ENR 96 Dimmer Rack is in my storage location with the Status 24/48 light board I have both copies of the manuals in my filing cabinet

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