Recent content by Chont

  1. C

    New Gig.... Monitor Mix question

    So if the band want actors body mics in their wedges for singing, those just have to be post fade and that's that ? I thought their might be a way to have the mutes be post fad but sends be prefade but doesn't appear to be the case.I usually mute the mic channels when actors go off stage...
  2. C

    New Gig.... Monitor Mix question

    Hello,I was asked to do some summer shows at a new venue. This Venue has the Midas Pro2 and we will be using a fair amount of Shure body mics and there will be a live band. I got the training on the Midas console and spent last week at their rehearsals learning the show and getting...
  3. C

    Wireless System Questions

    I just saw this reply. The issue was finally sorted out for the Christmas show. We installed an Antenna DA and paddles and no more crackle. What a difference!There are definitely ghosts at the theater. It did cross my mind LOL
  4. C

    New Gig ... New ... well Different Gear

    I agree... I think Production Company was the wrong choice of words. Its Community Theater so I suppose Theater company would be a better suited description. He broke away from the group he was with and started his own. He is very talented and puts on amazing shows with nothing. He's in the...
  5. C

    New Gig ... New ... well Different Gear

    Gonna have to make a case for the Exec director of the theater to Get some Shures or maybe try trading in the existing mic system for one in the H Band. The Shures we are using are in H and so far so good.
  6. C

    New Gig ... New ... well Different Gear

    The Microphones have worked great so far for tech week. The board on the other hand... not so much. The Right side of the stereo bus is out so had to run mono without the proper cable for the input to the board, the tracks sounded like crap. They got hold of a new board for me. Its...
  7. C

    New Gig ... New ... well Different Gear

    Got asked to work the board for this weekend's show. This time its a different production company in the theater and they brought their own gear. I pulled the house board and Microphones out of the Control booth and got things set up. Its a Mackie SR24... a couple of busted channels but...
  8. C

    Wireless System Questions

    Makes sense thank you. Looks like our Receiver operates in the G band... I assume that is by chance when they bought it. Based on my scan here It's a drag they didn't get the unit in the H band.
  9. C

    Wireless System Questions

    Thank you so much for your reply. I checked these out and using the Soundbase app. Was able to get a picture of what the area around the theater looks like. I'm still trying to wrap my head around this but looks like the Mics that were giving me problems are close to occupied TV stations in...
  10. C

    Wireless System Questions

    Thanks for the reply.I have not I was kinda thrown into helping this theater out and the guy that installed the system came by over the summer and showed me to do a rescan for open frequencies on the receiver an sync the transmitters. Every thing is contained In a small rack on the...
  11. C

    Wireless System Questions

    pardon the bump...I got asked to help out for the show that's running now. I was able to put a couple of their old Sennheisers into the fold to see how they performed compared to their newer system. As expected, the Sennheisers were problem free.I watched the Creative Audio receiver for...
  12. C

    Wireless System Questions

    So the summer season came to a close. The second headline show of the summer season had its moments. I convinced the exec to buy new microphones since the director wanted to use as many mics as possible and I wanted to eliminate as many points of failure as possible. When they arrived mid...
  13. C

    Wireless System Questions

    I come from a recording studio background so I incorrectly refer to them as "overhead" mics. LOL. I was looking at the PZMs the other day for the front of the stage. Those would be a good fit for this place but I doubt I can get them to spend some money. The guy that came to give me the...
  14. C

    Wireless System Questions

    These are definitely set too high. I told them I'd like to lower them this week. The guy that installed told me the woman that runs the place didn't want them too low and visible but they're nearly pointless at this height especially for the kids shows. They worked well for filling things...
  15. C

    Wireless System Questions

    That’s a wrap for this weekends run of shows. It was a success. Rescanned the wireless mics and everything went smooth. I little bit of crackle on the wig mic on one character but it was minimal and only in one scene. Worlds better than the previous week. The overhead mics were a big hit. I got...