Recent content by genericcomment

  1. G

    Disney Trip Tech Stuff

    Which begs the question if a shell is air launched how is the burst charge activated while airborne? Wireless circuitry on each shell? Which sounds ridiculously obnoxious since your blowing up a wireless receiver in every shell or is there a time fuse lit with the air launch which seems more...
  2. G

    Disney professional Entertainment tech internship

    I do have a decent job actually I'm the LD/department head at a summer playhouse that runs for 8 weeks this summer, I see the Disney internship as a networking op, and to be able to branch out into other theatre related fields.
  3. G

    Disney professional Entertainment tech internship

    Well I'm doing this for the experience and as a jumping off point, but I felt it would be a good transition right out of college.
  4. G

    Disney professional Entertainment tech internship

    I am in the pre-screen process of applying for the Disney PI program for the entertainment tech position, and was wondering if anyone has done it before or at least gone through the interview process for it. Also if anyone has any tips that would be awesome.
  5. G

    The right college

    I read everyone's reply on this thread and they're all nailing it on the head. I'm a graduating senior now but, when I first started I wanted to learn about all the toys. Which is why I found a school that had built a new theatre and arts complex. We have 9 Martin moving heads, color scrollers...
  6. G

    Control/Dimming CD80 Issue(s)

    Correction the photo I provided was to show just that it was the older style, and yes it was the picture featured in the forum. Sorry for the confusion.
  7. G

    Control/Dimming CD80 Issue(s)

    I am designing lights at a converted middle school gym, and I was handed 2 Strand CD80 12 x 2.4kw dimmer packs. My question is that Dimmer 1 on one of the packs is constantly live even when the board is sending no signal to any dimmers.I was reading in another thread that that the issue could be...
  8. G

    The new thread on labeling gel

    If you are marking the middle of the gel don't use china markers, the wax concentrates heat like a fingerprint on a lamp. It burns the gel out faster.
  9. G

    SETC 2010?

    I'm going to SETC! Hope Lexington will be just as awesome as Birmingham was.
  10. G

    Introducing the Apollo Apprentice Gel/Gobo Kits

    That would've been a good idea for the community theatre I worked at this past summer. They had tons of gels but most were just dark and saturated colors that really wouldn't work with simple lighting looks. It was more like someone just picked colors they liked instead of colors that would be...
  11. G

    Breaking news on the Technology front!

    Just a thought but wouldn't a digital wall make your eyes tired? It is an interesting concept for scenery, even though I think it's already used.
  12. G

    Automated Fixtures Shiny new budget for buying movers!

    Just fyi the Mac 500's and 550's are discontinued. The Mac 2k's are sweet though. I'm sure you could find 500's used. We have 4 in our inventory and currently the only working moving lights we have. However they aren't very bright is the only setback and they're heavy.
  13. G

    The amber cyc seems to take a while...

    I had the same problem in our black box space with our cyc lights as well. The funny thing is the day we discovered it we had a guy from ETC visit for our lighting class. The problem actually was with the physical dimmer itself and not it's profile because it was a brand new board and the only...
  14. G


    So being in college I should take ETCP in consideration for later? Sounds like something that could get my foot in the door.