Automated Fixtures Mac 300 Wash issues


Hi -

I've got four 250 Kryptons, 4 LED's, and two Mac 300 Wash fixtures all on the same DMX loop. The line is all DMX cable, no XLR, and control is coming from a Hog 1000.

At times, one (the same one) of the two 300 wash fixtures will almost go into a "slow motion state", and by that I mean it severly lags behind in following commands from the board during programing and playback. Then for whatever reason, it will start working great and respond the same as the other fixtures.

I am kinda lost for what may cause this. I've taken the fixture down, cleaned it, talked to it, and it still just periodically decides to go on a mental vacation.

Even after rest it still acts fine sometimes, and lazy other times.

The cabeling is all less then two weeks old, and the run is terminated at the end.

Any thoughts would be greatly apprecaited?
The Mac300 has a slow/fast option in its menu; though the problem seems intermittent it might help to check and see if this is set to the fastest mode you can get it.
sounds like you might have recorded some mspeed in somewhere. It might be in a cue or a pallete. That would be my first area to look into, the programing

It is set to the fast setting, as for the mspeed can you tell me where I would find that? I looked through my pallets but didn't see anything related to speed. On the screen output the Kryptons have a category called mspeed, however that category does not show up Mac 300 section.

If you would be willing to direct me as to where to look, that would be greatly apprecaited.
MAC300 fixtures:
If in mode "DMX1" or "DMX2" they don't use speed channels, so the problem is in the fixture.
If in mode "DMX3", P/T speed is ch.10 and Efx speed is ch.11.
If in mode "DMX4", P/T speed is ch.12 and Efx speed is ch.13.
I believe these are found under the "Beam" parameter. Usually one wants these channels at zero, which is the default.

I only have two universies coming from the HOG, and the 300 wash fixtures are on DMX Universe two. So it must be the fixture...he seems to be finicky about something.

On the "bright" side, I did figure out how to "lamp on", "lamp off", and "reset"the fixtures through the strobe channels on the Hog. So...not all is lost.
In this case, "DMX1," ... "DMX4" doesn't refer to which universe the light is in, it's the personality or mode of the fixture itself, accessed under the light's "PERS" setting in the LED menu.

Put a different way, how many channels does each MAC300 take?

If 9, DMX1 aka mode1 or m1.
If 11, DMX2.
If 11, DMX3. (8bit w/speed)
If 13, DMX4. (16bit w/speed), aka m4.

This is all on page 23 of the MAC300 user manual, attached. (Can't find it on Martin's website!?)


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