Automated Fixtures Needing assistance resetting Coemar Intelligents


At church, we have ~12 Coemar fixtures, iSpot 575 (I believe to be prior to the EB or MB) and ProWash 575 in addition to conventional fixtures running on a Bull Frog Zero88 board (don't think the board style has an impact on this problem, but unsure.)

Of late, we have had multiple fixtures, both iSpot(s) and ProWash(s), enter into their "test/diagnostic" mode (moving on their own, pan and tilt to full 255 until they are physically maxed out and then grinding/clutching until they realize they can't move farther) and then returning to their previous possition OR proceeding home (pan 128, tilt 128) with the brightness at either 100% or bulb turned off for the next 10 minutes.

I have the original manuals for each light, and have found Coemar's website and various documents, but have found neither to be of assistance. Any information, insight, suggestions, etc. pertaining to reseting (completely resetting!), reprograming, updating software, etc. in the correction of this problem would be Greatly Appreciated!!

Thank You!

(tulrich at new-song . com)
Could be a multitude of things. First thing I would look as is if you have enough power going to the fixtures. If one of the fixtures is resetting when you do a big move, this could be it. You could be getting a power dip and one of the fixtures is going down when it gets that dip.

I would also check your DMX and all that fun stuff. Some fixtures will do a full reset if they lose DMX.

Otherwise, give Coemar a call, they might be able to help. Of course, I would also suggest having the fixtures go through a good cleaning.
All of the fixtures have undergone a thorough cleaning recently, but this is a wise tip. :)

Even with the lights stationary, no transitions, no movement, completely stationary across the line, the lights will do their reset. The same while we only have two fixtures turned on and the rest of the light system turned off, one will freak out. I will through out the idea/concept of the power drop to our tech arts director to get his feedback.

By DMX, I presume you mean check the connections and the lines, see if there is a bad cable in the midst(?)

I have tried contacting Coemar, but not calling them.

Thank You Footer for your input.

All of the fixtures have undergone a thorough cleaning recently

Ahhh.. Just a stab in the dark here but; The lights "know" where they are by use of some hall effect sensors. (they look like little transistors but are located about the light in odd places.) It is possible that during the cleaning, there may be one or more that got slightly bent out of position and are sending bad data intermittently. Usually, these little guys send a signal when a wheel is in a certain position. Might want to look around at them.
Based on what you described it sounds more like they are just homing (reseting/ re-calibrating), not entering a diagnostic setting. Not familiar with the Coemars, but the "grinding" is probably just part of the normal "home" process... some fixtures use a hard end-stop to calibrate functions-- sometimes including pan and tilt. Basically they just push against the the endstop until they are sure that they are all the way... it sounds like something is wrong sometimes even though it's perfectly normal.

I'd say also check the harness connections... a full reset sounds like more than a hall sensor losing connection/position. A module/ board/ something could be intermittently losing communication, triggering a reset...
I work for a house that has a decent amount of coemar gear so I might be able to help some. Are the displays on the front flashing any error message? Also does this happen when running any cues, or just when sitting in a cue? Are all the lights that have this issue in the same power circuit or on separate circuits?
I work for a house that has a decent amount of coemar gear so I might be able to help some. Are the displays on the front flashing any error message? Also does this happen when running any cues, or just when sitting in a cue? Are all the lights that have this issue in the same power circuit or on separate circuits?

Two fixtures to a circuit. Error message of - - - - or | | | | as it is cycling. It is while the fixtures are sitting in cue (?) [stationary on a fixed position].

Thank you for your thoughts!

It sounds like they are rehoming. I'm thinking whats actually happening is the board is sending them a rehome command. It may have accidently gotten put into one of the cues. Check your programming to be sure, unless it will do it and you didnt even change a cue. Also check your cable. A cable that is working intermitently will do exactly what you are describing. I really dont think it is a voltage problem. Little motors moving dont pull enough current to cause your problems. A loose wire connection, especially on the primary side will cause that, since the fixture is loosing power and then rebooting. If the lamp stays on, then that is not the problem, but if the lamp goes off then thats another place to check.

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