Redoing my resume, some help looking it over?


Active Member
I am redoing my resume after applying for a bunch of positions and not hearing back from any of them (not even an e-mail!) My old resume was way too long (2 pages!) and I think had more information than needed. I am shortening it quite a bit (down to 1 page finally!) but am afraid I am leaving important stuff out, or still leaving too much in. So I was hoping I could get a little help from the group, I am attaching both my old resume and my new one and am looking for feedback.

I'm pretty much a Jack of all Trades so my skill set is pretty much all over the place. I do configure the resumes depending on what position I am going out for, these are my basic starting point ones. Depending on what I am going out for I may add or remove items but this I think gives a general overview of my skills.

View attachment Matt Drake - Event Tech - New(redacted).pdfView attachment Matt Drake - Event Tech - Old (redacted).pdf
Just an observation. In my experience, the resume should just be a list. Your first paragraph is all something that I would include in a cover letter. This will free up more space on your resume and make it feel less crowded. For every job I apply for, I turn in a cover letter stating why I feel I am qualified for and am the right person for their job. I then include my resume. Granted, I've been getting jobs at high schools that may have a slightly more formal way of hiring. I noticed that there were no comments so I thought I'd leave my quick opinion. Let me know if you are still looking to spruce up your resume and I can try to forward you some of mine.
Yeah my old resume had the intro paragraph but I removed that on the new one already. I just have a hard time fitting it on a single page! :)

I am kinda going on the basis since I haven't had any comments it looks ok, or just no one is interested LOL.

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