Automated Fixtures Simple Question I can't find the answer for


Active Member
Alright, so I'm working at this new school that just bought some High End Studio Spots 575 zooms.... And an Eos board. Now I'm just in charge of setting it up so that the directors and students can easily work the board. Well I cant figure out how to address the studio spots or turn the lamps on. Now I know there's a way to turn them on from the board it self. I've done it once or twice just messing around, but does anyone know how to do it? And as far as addressing them, I just plugged them in today, but Im still waiting for the instalation company to send the 5pin to 3pin turnarounds so I haven't hooked them up to DMX quite yet. But everytime I click adress on the menu, I can tell it what fixture number it is, but not address in the universe. Any help? I cant download the manual for some odd reason, and the instalation company dcided to throw out the manual after they took them out of the box.
Assuming you are running EOS v1.9, lamp controls are accessed through the About panel. Key in [About]ch#[Enter] then one of the soft buttons in the About panel will be lamp controls.

Assuming the fixtures are patched, can find out the address/channel mapping from the About panel too, or from Patch, or from the show reports, or probably a few more ways. I believe the Address softkey is for entering an address, not for querying the patch.

I have no idea why you cannot download a PDF of the manual from Perhaps a call to ETC support would help resolve that problem.
Oh sorry, maybe I said something wrong. I can download the EOS manual, but the HIGH END STUDIO SPOT manual is the one im having trouble with. And I'm not trying to figure out how to patch it, I know that. But how do I change the address on the fixture itself?
Not sure why you can't address them, I've never used this fixture but I will attach the manual with this post and hopefully that help.


  • Studio Spot 575.pdf
    3.3 MB · Views: 167
I've found it always better to use the DMX address (Cxxx) and not Fixture number (Fxx) when addressing, because 1) You don't have to reference a chart or do "multiple of 24 +1" math, and 2) an address does not have to start with (x times 24 +1), useful if there's other devices addressed lower than the fixtures. The Cyberlight (original, not the new one) is the only fixture I know of that forces you to start at a specific address (a multiple of 20 +1).
But how do I change the address on the fixture itself?
Hold down the menu button until the menu unlocks. Address will be the first option. Hit Enter and you'll be able to use the up and down arrows to set the address. Hit enter to save the address, then menu and you'll be back where you started. As Derek said, it's much clearer to use a DMX address rather than a fixture number, so make sure your display is using the Cxxx format and not the Fxx format.
Lamp on is part of the control channel (channel 24 @ 31-34 %). This channel will also douse the lamp, home and shutdown the fixture. The lamp should also strike as part of the initial home after start up.
To pile on a bit, if your spot is set in fixture address mode you can change it by holding down the menu button until [Addr] is shown then scroll to [Set] and hit enter. Scroll to [Chnl] and hit enter, then scroll to [Dmx] and hit enter. The menu button will step you back to [Addr] where you can then hit enter and set the dmx address.

Also, if you want to strike the lamp directly from the fixture, it is under the [Test] menu;select [Lamp] then [L On]. If the fixture has been shutdown, you will need to rehome it or cycle power on it to regain ability.
As Derek said, it's much clearer to use a DMX address rather than a fixture number, so make sure your display is using the Cxxx format and not the Fxx format.

Ummm correct me for being stupid, but I always found setting by fixture number easier. Setting by DMX means I have to remember to off-set the next fixtures by - 24 ?, which is the number of DMX addresses used by the Studio Spot CMY Zoom ?. That's U2, so 1 - 24 is Fix 1, then Fix 2 will be 25 thru 49 ?, then Fix 3 will be...... as opposed to letting the fixture do the math when I tell it it's Fix 3, etc.... it knows how to count when I don't. Never had problems with this method.

Then patching Eos/Ion/Element is as as simple as Ch 1 thru 5, find the fixture in the library - HE SS CMY Zm, @ 2/1. With all 5 fixtures setting correctly. If I add a 6th I simply choose next Ch number and press Next for address and it finds the next address free after the last fixture.

So how is DMX address easier ?.

DMX isn't easier in that situation...

However, if you patch in anything else that's NOT a Studio Spot, then you're dealing with even bigger problems. Patching by DMX address is an essential skill that helps prevent patching errors in more complex rigs.

If you need a quick reference or aren't overly concerned with the address, auto-patch them in the EOS and then address the fixtures.

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