Source for Movie Trailers


I am running a film series. I license my features from Swank, and I have permission to run trailers for future showings... but I can no longer find downloadable trailers anywhere.

Does anyone have a go-to? I used to get them from IMDB, but they have made them undownloadable.
Or just use a series of stills and over dub in that low fake sincere voice.. "In a world where hope is gone, one man can show the way"
They will not. They include permission to run them in the license, but they do not provide. The OBS thing worked, though!
I had a client ask me to play a video that was honoring a lost loved one from Youtube for a show once. Relying on the internet to work under show conditions, and playing from Youtube felt unacceptable to me. This was how I figured out how to rip the video without much fuss.

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