Recent content by marmer

  1. marmer

    LED Par Fan Noise

    It is more than double the very faint HVAC background noise. The pitch doesn't really register. However, they are so loud, especially in quantity, that it seems that they were not designed for classical or acoustic music use.
  2. marmer

    LED Par Fan Noise

    I know this is an old thread but we just went through this at a major music school. The Source 4RWD fan caps are far, far, far too loud for classical music. We even moved them to a rehearsal room and they are too loud there. It's quite noticeably different than HVAC noise.
  3. marmer

    Another Genie lift question: Super Straddle users?

    We have one for the organ hall. It works as advertised but takes a while to set up. It is not a proper solution for venues with aisle steps or seating risers, however, not by a long shot. There's no safe way to lift it.
  4. marmer

    Doors zip tied shut

    Oooh, good point. That may be exactly why the original hardware, as described, seemed to be latching but non-lockable fire doors (a la exit stairs, as another poster pointed out.) If the original clients didn't see a need to keep people out or think they realistically could, they might have...
  5. marmer

    Our theater isn't your storage!

    Mike is absolutely right. Heavy stuff is often best stored close to where it will be used, which may be why the seats and risers are there (although what I said about code still applies.) The electrical stuff may be in the booth because it needs to be secured out of classrooms pending...
  6. marmer

    Fire alarm and detection VS. fog and haze

    In Houston, when we want to do haze, we have to pay for and get a permit through the City, have an inspection by a fire marshal, and pay a City firefighter to watch the panel during the event. Then we can override the affected detectors. Our system is old enough that false alarms are kind of...
  7. marmer

    Our theater isn't your storage!

    If your exits are at the back that stuff against the back wall may be against code. You may have to have a certain amount of clear square footage back there depending on the hall's capacity.
  8. marmer

    Doors zip tied shut

    I would have guessed that it was originally the sanctuary. I think there's a perception about everyone being welcome and about no one being excluded that makes some churches uncomfortable with locks on sanctuary doors. If you can get in the building you can get in the sanctuary. I wonder if...
  9. marmer

    Doors zip tied shut

    I'll be interested to see what Bill says. It seems to me that the best solution is to replace all the fire door sets with lockable fire door sets. I think that securing the fire doors as described is probably a code violation. I guess the architect or engineer didn't think that space would...
  10. marmer

    Doors zip tied shut

    Yeah, exactly. In my building any room big enough to hold several vendor tables is going to have fire rated walls and doors. And besides, everyone who's ever been in a public school knows you don't lock a fire door with zip ties, you do it with a chain and lock! ;-) Just kidding, of course...
  11. marmer

    Doors zip tied shut

    What's the occupancy of the big center room? I thought anything big enough to require multiple exits had to have latching doors, too. If they do latch, then adding locks and panic hardware hopefully wouldn't be too hard. And, while you can appeal to the AHJ to get a ruling, the truth is that...
  12. marmer

    Small theatre, big sound problems

    I agree, asking someone to help with EQ is probably going to help a lot, although it's not likely to give you twice as much headroom. Depending on the position of your portable speakers and mics, you might also benefit from a little sound-absorbing material in certain areas, like maybe the...
  13. marmer

    Golf Cart Charging

    I'd like to know the answer to that, too. We charge our Genie lift indoors all the time; in fact I think the manufacturer specifies indoor use only for our model. I've never noticed any outgassing or sparks, and certainly no battery leaking. We'd replace it in a hurry if that happened.
  14. marmer

    Replacing casters on Wenger shells

    Yeah, my experience with Wenger is that they want to be helpful. I'm kind of surprised they haven't had you send some pictures to one of their engineers. I agree you need to escalate. They send install teams around the country a lot, maybe they could piggy back a quick site visit to you. Or...
  15. marmer

    Standard Temperature For Your Theater

    What can you do? Not much. Non-performing arts facility managers generally don't care about temperature complaints. They have to hear it from members of the public, especially influential ones, and it may have to appear in reviews. "_West Side Story_ at Enormous High School is one of the...