The use of AI in the entertainment industry


Well-Known Member
I wanted to ask a general question, kinda. Then depending how the hive mind feels proose a change.

What are people seeing when it comes to the use of AI in the entertainment industry? This can really be anything from film, manufacturers, consultants, installers, themed entertainment, and the list really does go on and on and on!

I’m curious what people are doing with this genie now that it’s out of the bottle?

Also, proposed change, should we now have a section on this forum for AI? It has become apparent to me that this is another tool at our disposal just like a circular saw or multi meter. It would be beneficial for us the open the forum to multi level discussions about this technology. For the sake of those people like me who are just now entering middle but have a lot of career ahead of them, and the kiddozz coming up who are looking at this forum to learn all about what we do.
Vectorworks added a rendering engine that uses AI to apply styles to your drawings/renderings. I haven't attempted to use it yet, but could be an interesting tool for iterating on design ideas and pitches with a client with less effort.

I haven't seen it discussed anywhere yet, but where I'm most interested is having AI tools in our inventory management software. Offering alternatives for shortages with internal and external. Double checking that needed support items are there on pull sheets. On the fly reporting based on parameters. I think that's a hugely powerful aspect for our industry that I *hope* developers are working on.

I can't say that I'm terribly interested in using it at a creative/design level for generating ideas and designs. My intuition is that you'd end up with a bunch of perfectly fine, flat boring designs. I'd love to see tools to help a designer though, and take a lot of the sweat work out. Selecting lens tubes and brightness, offering color palettes that might support design goals, that kind of thing.
I've had two clients in the past month supply us with artwork that has been AI generated for their events. I think it has the potential to put a dent into the digital backdrop cottage industry.
Generative AI will blow out the market for low and medium market creative people. Your jobs are gone, if not now, in the next 24 months.

I've been saying this since Covid was a thing and it's actually worse than I thought it would be. This will be the end for 25-60% of creative people.

When using AI in your own work, ask yourself whose job is being replaced with it.
Very powerful stuff.. As far as not in Theater, I use AI review of radiographs.. Didn't put the radiologist out of work, but it's a great second look so I don't miss something, and yes it has caught stuff on multiple occasions that I would have missed. I also now use AI transcription, recording my exams real time, it grabs all the medical stuff as I call it out in any order and organizes it into a concise organized exam record, along with instructions I gave to the owner... and produces a follow up email/ letter for the animal owner. Didn't put anyone out of work, because I didn't have a transcriptionist before, but saves me bunches of record keeping time, and gives me an added value item for the client.

So there are two applications that do stuff I couldn't do before, and makes my work more thorough and accurate.

I do agree though it is sad for the graphic arts. As one who isn't talented enough to create a backdrop in community theater, I can definitely see myself using it to create a custom projection. Writing? Well we literally have the 1000 monkeys chained to their typewriters now.. "To be or not to be..... that is the schmedlef"
Very powerful stuff.. As far as not in Theater, I use AI review of radiographs.. Didn't put the radiologist out of work, but it's a great second look so I don't miss something, and yes it has caught stuff on multiple occasions that I would have missed. I also now use AI transcription, recording my exams real time, it grabs all the medical stuff as I call it out in any order and organizes it into a concise organized exam record, along with instructions I gave to the owner... and produces a follow up email/ letter for the animal owner. Didn't put anyone out of work, because I didn't have a transcriptionist before, but saves me bunches of record keeping time, and gives me an added value item for the client.

So there are two applications that do stuff I couldn't do before, and makes my work more thorough and accurate.

I do agree though it is sad for the graphic arts. As one who isn't talented enough to create a backdrop in community theater, I can definitely see myself using it to create a custom projection. Writing? Well we literally have the 1000 monkeys chained to their typewriters now.. "To be or not to be..... that is the schmedlef"
Diagnostic AI *might* replace practitioners who provide 3rd and 4th opinions, but that's a minor case. Generative AI is certain to replace creative people for the exact reasons you mention, but scaled up.
Diagnostic AI *might* replace practitioners who provide 3rd and 4th opinions, but that's a minor case. Generative AI is certain to replace creative people for the exact reasons you mention, but scaled up.
Right now literally in the time it took me to take an xray and check back here, the AI saw something I probably would have missed. Not the primary problem but the last vertebrae in the chest and first lumbar had a congenital malformation and missing last rib on the left side. They're not causing a problem, but it will save me from embarrassment should the client move on for another evaluation of the rear leg lameness.

So today I'm glad to be a Veterinarian and not a buggy whip salesman. (I'm not as cold as that sounds, but there's no way to stop this train)
I heard this morning that Logic is now including AI backing musicians. For me it means a way to put out more polished musical ideas. As a hack guitar player who doesn't play drums and is a really boring bass player, I now can have a somewhat more rounded out song. I am looking forward to trying it out for background music so I don't have to jump through copy right hoops. I work at a small school and we go through the process of trying to clear songs for use in dance shows and plays. You would be amazed at the level of non responses. As a sound designer, if I can give a director something to play in the background instead of something that we have not had a response to clearance, it makes me feel better, I don't want lawsuits. Will it put real musicians out of work, I doubt it. Will you see better quality tick tok stuff, could be. So mark me in the let's have a AI forum camp.
I think like every other leap in tech, people will use it to make bad art and artists will find a way to innovate in new ways. 🤷‍♂️ It's fun to make bad art sometimes
I have been experimenting with AI Design software for about a year. One thing I have noticed is my enhanced recognition of AI renders. In fact, my acuity for bad AI generated art is at a point that I long for artwork done by an accomplished human fine artist. Most of the AI art I look at is becoming so derivative that it is homogenizing the graphics art world, especially in web art and marketing. When I see it, it turns me off so quickly that I don't even look at the underlying product it is representing. What I do like about generative art is it allows me to iterate a new concept idea over and over again very quickly. It saves a lot of time in the early concept development phase.
This thread appears to have generated a lot of robust discussion. So, who here would make the decision if an AI section should be added this forum?
I guess create the topic, try it and see. It might gather great momentum. Or it could fall flat on its arse. Won't know until we try.
Rather than a whole separate forum, how about a sticky post in each craft's forum? Scenic/design, LX, audio, props.
That may be a better idea. So that we can easily seperate out how AI is being used in different disciplines. From sessions and conversations I had at USITT this year, this technology is used differently depending on the discipline. Lighting designers are using it in different ways vs scenic designers fir example.

For those in the permanent install world like contractors or theatre planners, that tab may go in venue management?

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