Booth Pictures :)

New ROA (Rear of Auditorium) A/V COntrol Deck during or Vacation bible school tonight


Laptop, NSI Light Board, and 32 channel Behringer Audio Desk, along with a TEAC CD/Tape Combo as well as Alesis Masterlink ML-9600 Recrder for CD's

The light board usually sits in the Old Sound Booth off the church because of its 15V power supply missing, so we have it hooked into a DMX 15V system, otherwise when ran from the deck (basicclly plugging the DMX control cable into a snake head in the old sound room, running about 200 to 250 feet of underground cabling to the deck on 3XLR Female and plugging it into the back of the Male XLR Port on the board, and thats when the board loses it's 15V Control Circut and the lights when powered down, still have a soft glow, almost like a preheat glow, due to the dimmer packs (also NSI, 8 channel) not recieving the correct singals and voltage to power full off. and the NSI Dimmers have a mind of their own sometimes, when the board is given new programming in a memory scene and the board is returned to normal mode, it likes to power cycle the dimmers and "dance" the lights. lol we call this "the board just being confused" cause when the Dimmers lose contact with the light board if its unplugged (or for some unknown reason the light board should lose power and not the dimmers) the Dimmers power the front house spots and stage to a "Panic Mode" setting, kind of conveinent when working in the dark on troubleshooting or if theire is a power surge, which drives the dimmers to go into "Crazy mode" meaning all on/of/flickering/steady (yea thats when we have to power full down and reset the system) :) more pics will follow, my station for VBS (Vacation Bible School) currently is Audio and Lighting:) (Sorry for bad quality wasnt like that when i took em, ill take better ones tomorrow and re upload)


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One of the two high schools in the district I work in. Built in 2008.

Starting clockwise from bottom: sound storage, desk and table, gel storage, and lighting storage (not in view), headset, video, and sound rack, ETC Element with Emphasis, wireless mic receivers (facing out for sound tech to view status), monitor camera control, and a computer soon.
Small booths

Anyone who does tech for a small city-organized center for arts and entertainment should know exactly where I'm coming from. I'm curious to know if anyone can beat the smallness and jam-packedness of the booth I occupy.

I normally run shows solo, but I've only recently accompanied my laptop to help me in the sound department. Finally convinced the council member to let me buy a cheap Dell (with Windows 8 :oops:). It should be here early next week and I'm excited to see what I can do with it. I'm packed like a sardine and yet they can still find room for more old microphones in lonely pelican cases without building the shelves I've asked for many times :).

Re: Small booths

... I'm curious to know if anyone can beat the smallness and jam-packedness of the booth I occupy. ...
Don't feel embarrassed about the size of your equipment.:oops: It's what you do with it that matters.:twisted:

Your booth looks downright luxurious compared to some "professional" Off-Loop (Chicago) and Off-Off-Broadway (NYC) booths I've seen (some of which are posted above, IINM).
What if you are the only one running lights and sound?? What configuration would you suggest? The High School Auditorium space is being upgraded and I am looking at all the options ...thanks.
What if you are the only one running lights and sound?? What configuration would you suggest? The High School Auditorium space is being upgraded and I am looking at all the options ...thanks.

If you're trying to do it single person I'd say a L shape is good. When I have to do that I have the light board in front of me and my sound board mounted in a road case pulled up beside me on my right. With a computer for sound on the desk in the corner between the two forming the corner.

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I add to that, the U shape, so that you have all of your peripherals at hand as well. Put what is most important in front of you. Sound if you are live mixing, lighting if you are "busking", and then on the other side from your secondary control will be the peripherals such as playback systems. It depends on your space and what your normal operations will be.
Make it a square and it keeps patrons from pestering you, too. Plus you get to have a drawbridge...
We've got two of them and boat anchor describes them pretty well... Our foam for our processor case is degrading pretty badly, and one desk had to go in for service. But considering we used both of them every day up until 2 years ago. Pretty solid desks... I still prefer the OB II over the express we have.
Here's what I used to work with. Sorry about the bad pic, I was actually trying to get a shot of the set. Off screen, I have a 4 channel Peavey head that runs my sound. (only effects and a condenser mic hung over the stage for backstage monitors.) Then a 27" iMac that runs ChamSys MagicQ on one monitor and QLab on another monitor. My Headset control point is also from here. I have a 16 channel NSI Board underneath the monitor on the right for those hairy moments when my old Luminex ArtNet Dongle liked to die out. (Got my new ChamSys Dongle in this week) The camera is feeding a monitor in the pit (behind the stage) and the dressing room. Crazy set up. I have to climb a home made ladder 10' to get in. Can't wait to get into our new space in June!

Also, the McDonald's cup is for sunflower shells. I like breaking rules, but not the important ones.


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I have the good fortune to work in a larger venue that is a shared space between a local high school and a community theater. One of the students from this school landed a dream job at Google and came back to record the theater for Google Street View. This allows anyone to "walk" the theater and get a look at the FOH, backstage, and booth. It's the first link I send to anyone inquiring about the venue.!3m5!1e1!3m3!1sgxcjxIIUf4hsIjhKyzGMtA!2e0!3e2

I think i win for smallest booth (it's really a cupboard, its about 4ft by 4ft (im used to metric so i have no clue if thats right 1m by 1m ish bit bigger)). We are currently planning to build a proper booth


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I think i win for smallest booth (it's really a cupboard, its about 4ft by 4ft (im used to metric so i have no clue if thats right 1m by 1m ish bit bigger)). We are currently planning to build a proper booth

I'm pretty sure that green steel I'm seeing in the background leads up to a switchboard, in which case your arrangement is very non advisable, and if I could be bothered looking up the codes, probably illegal...
I'm pretty sure that green steel I'm seeing in the background leads up to a switchboard, in which case your arrangement is very non advisable, and if I could be bothered looking up the codes, probably illegal...
This room is the circuit breaker room. It has been like this since the hall was built. I don't know but i'm in Australia so the laws might be different.

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