Automated Fixtures Needed Recommendations

I am the LD/ME at my high school ,and i been scrimping every cent for the past four years for intelligent lighting. i have $1000 saved up, plus maybe 500 more if i can get enough patrons. I just want to ask what my best bet would be in a purchase. I have a Colortran Innovator 48/96, and limited experience with DMX. any help would be appreciated. thank you! :)
Since you are working with a limited budget, you might be better off looking at some lighting accessories rather than full blown moving lights. With only $1000 you won't find any moving lights that you will really be happy with, but you might find some accessories like color scrollers, I-Cues, or gobo rotators will serve you better. Take a look at this collaborative article we have about what we call the "Gafftaper Method" which is based on lighting accessories which would probably suit you well.
I'm with icewolf, by all the scrollers you can with that money! (don't forget cable and power supplies!)
While you can find some movers for that price why bother other than for an example say of older moving mirror verses moving light example for class purpuses only?

Agreed, better things you can spend invest or save your money on and a base question of why does your program need movers? Have those in the progam already mastered the concepts of "A' Method of Lighting the Stage" and does other ways of lighting the stage simply too limit the program and it's tech people they have in skill level?

Scrollers say would be useful but sorry, can't see purpose for just learing lighting a need for movers when those that would use them have not learned the basics yet. Instead if they know the difference, have them design and or invest on that part of the program.

Took lighting in High School - didn't sufficiently understand gauges of wire or proper wiring, much less Fresnel verses Leko. Concepts of design were also never presented - they were already plotted we more just located specials and ran wire to what was already placed in the plot.

I was shorted in lighting obviously but it took years of even in a minor in lighting design to get ligting concepts. Screw the moving lights for the inventory for what ever reason one cannot achieve with a few more dimmers and fixtures, what concepts in basics of lighting and design of it would most help the students? This even if they become an actor and never again get a lighting class, what in them doing lighting would be more useful, some used' moving light or learning stuff or more gear to work with that's cheaper? What in some small after college theater they might some day work in would be more useful while in even high school them to see more of and master?

At very least college for movers in my opinion - and for college only base stuff.
I am the only one in my school trained in lighting. we have no lighting classes, and I have been interning during the summers at Missouri State University. I have a suffecient knowledge in LD, and the movers would be for pure education. I have the oppourtunity to do some shows in Branson, Missouri during college, so a basic knowledge and some hours using movers would be useful. I am content with all the instruments we have, but would like movers for pure education.
What would happen to these fixtures once you leave? Will there be anyone there that knows what to do with them?

Unfortunately, there isn't really a fixture you can buy for that budget that is going to compare to anything you might find in Branson. I'd go for some other accessories. I understand that you want to help yourself and that is wonderful but if you are using the school's money you also need to think about what will be the best investment for them. If you couldn't get a mover what else would you want??!!??
Are you a student? If so, DO NOT purchase equipment for the school with your own money. It's really not a good practice. Even purchasing them for yourself and letting them 'live' at the school is pretty risky. I once had to gather and request receipts for 5 years worth of lighting purchases after I graduated high school. Here's the story in a nutshell:

I had built a DJ lighting system which I used at the school for middle school dances that the theatre department held a few times a year as a fund raiser. Since storage at my house was an issue, my theatre director let me use the school's secure tech storage room to store my lights. Well, sadly, my director died suddenly and the school wouldn't let me have anything back without proof that I owned it. Showing this proof was a painstaking process, and I wasn't able to get everything back because some of it was bought used on ebay. Don't put yourself in this situation. Let the school worry about it, and play with intelligent lights on your own time, or better yet save your money for something that you really need (or put it towards your college education -- you WILL need it).

Just my 2 cents.

if you are not a student, I apologize for the rant.
Yes, I am a student, and no, im not using my own dough. As for what else other than movers, its not necessarily a need right now, but our cyc (strip) lights are starting to go downhill. The person who planned out the theatre bought exclusivley Colortran items: Board, Ellipsoidals, et cetera, and the past couple of years have been spent buying ETC to replace the colortrans. Now im just looking for things to expand, so other students moving through the program can learn these things. Again, nothing is necessary, it is just purely something to busy myself with. I am the SM for our upcoming show, and as it is a really small show design-wise, I just wanted somthing to play with. Anything would be nice, but it is pure luxury. I've got the money allocated for 'inventory expansion', so any suggestions would be helpful.
You mentioned that you have limited experience with DMX... How about a few DMX devices??? That way you can expand the school's inventory, you can gain more capability without breaking the bank, and you can learn more about and gain more experience with DMX!

Now, what would be useful? What kind of space are you in? What kind of shows are you doing? How big is your current inventory???
just asking, what exactly do things like seachangers, icues, scrollers, rotators, etc do? are these just things that pretty much add up to make a ML?
You mentioned that you have limited experience with DMX... How about a few DMX devices??? That way you can expand the school's inventory, you can gain more capability without breaking the bank, and you can learn more about and gain more experience with DMX!

Now, what would be useful? What kind of space are you in? What kind of shows are you doing? How big is your current inventory???

I guess the main point of all this is, yes, DMX experience. I am in one of the best High School theatres in SW Missouri, it seats about 800 (w/ balcony), I have a balcony batton, 3 torm positions in both HR and HL, and three electrics above the stage, one just behind the curtain line, one at midstage, and one behind the US traveler. The upstage one is completely taken over with the cyc lights. I do the two regular high school shows (one straight, one musical), one community musical in the summer, and various meetings/dance recitals throughout the year, since it is a community theatre that is attached to the high school. My inventory consists of about 40 Colortran 20 and 30 degrees, the same amount of ETC 36, 24, and 19 degree Source Fours, about 25 PARs, Star PARS, Cans, and Fresnels each. plus the colortran cyc lights.

One ML I have found within my budget is one Elation Focus Spot, or Design spot if i can get some additional dough....
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just asking, what exactly do things like seachangers, icues, scrollers, rotators, etc do? are these just things that pretty much add up to make a ML?

Seachangers and color scrollers are color changing devices. A Seachanger is an accessory for a source 4 that gives you near infinite color options by using CMY color mixing. Scrollers use a string (or multiple) of gel in many colors that can fit on almost any type of fixture. Both devices allow you to change the color of the light from the console.

I-Cues, Ellipscans, and Apollo Right-Arms are accessories for making a light "move." I-Cues and Ellipscans use a moving mirror that attaches to the color frame slot on a fixture and reflects the beam where you direct it. A right-arm is a mounting for an entire fixture that allows you to move the entire fixture around.

Gobo rotators do what it sounds like the do, rotate gobos.
Color Scrollers are one of the most useful things I have ever used in a show, the ability to change colors from the console and rather rapidly is huge. For 1000 bucks, I am not sure how many you can buy, but even a few for specials would probably be well more worth it for your situation than even 1 ML, especially since a good one is going to cost you well over 3k. This might depend on your board, but Scrollers are also a quick and dirty way to teach yourself a bit about multi-parameter fixtures without needing to set up dozens of pallets and parameters. 2-3 parameters is much more manageable for an introduction.
Shiben has a great point about the would be a great way to get some experience with a multi-parameter device. However, the downside is that with the budget you have you would barely be able to afford one scroller with all of the infrastructure you need...cable, power supplies, and the gel string! One scroller might not be as effective as 3 or 4 rotators. A rotator would allow you do various effects while letting you get your feet wet with data distribution and DMX! They would also be great to have for your concerts!! I would probably go for some rotators if I was in your shoes.
Here is what my high school did:
we have quite a bit larger budget, but last year we bought 8 colorscrolls (we already had 3 gobo rotators). They are amazing for the flexibility of our base plot. I am now designing lights for a dance concert, without adding any specials or changing gels. I am using the colorscrolls on sidelights, as I did for the last musical too.
I think that with the size of your theatre, colorscrolls would be a good investment, because they can be used as part of a plot. It is true, however, that all the other equipment needed is expensive. But even if you could only get 2 this year, then in future years you could add more, at less of a cost.
That's just what I think. My theatre, after getting the colorscrolls last year, got 4 moving lights this year (Elation Design spot 250 pros), mostly because of the possibility of taking our musical to perform in Nebraska at the Thespian Festival. If I had not used colorscrolls before the moving lights, I would have been totally lost.
sstolnack, not to pick on you, but the term is "color changer" or "scroller," not colorscroll. If anything, that term would be equivalent to gelstring--the part that goes inside.

Using non-standard or made-up terms may be fine if you don't aspire to pursue theatre after high school, OR communicate with others in the industry; but I've found that using accepted vocabulary will get you further.

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