Submasters changing colour in other Submasters

We have an ETC element 1. House lights are on dimmers and loaded onto a submaster. Our Chauvet LED top wash is on another submaster.
Here is the problem: When we use the fader for the house light sub it changes the colour on the LED Top wash. It brings up the house lights, but the colour in the other active sub changes.
Is there a submaster setting that I am missing that will stop this from happening? The house lights are LED bulbs, but are connected to 3 of our dimmer slots. This colour shift can also happen if the submaster that controls our Coloursource Cyc lights is active.
Any help on this would be appreciated.
When you recorded the house lights sub you recorded other channels too. You need to remove the other channels. A quick way to do this is to edit the sub in blind and then hit group sub [sub number] - [houselight channel] at enter

When you record in future, record selectively e.g. channel 5 is the channel that say sub 10 should master then you would hit 5 record sub 10 enter
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When you record in future, record selectively e.g. channel 5 is the channel that say sub 10 should master then you would hit 5 record sub 10 enter
This is the way when recording new subs on an Element Classic. Keep in mind, a selective Record will not fully overwrite other information already in the sub, so you need to either start fresh, or first knock out (via @ ENTERing) the unnecessary information. Further explanation of why you encountered this problem in the first place is that Record will by default store the entire present state. If there is data from a cue, a non record exclusive sub, or manual (red) commands for a channel rather than null (blank or grey) then Record is going to store that into the sub. Or cue, or Color Palette, or whatever the target is. There is a good chance when the subs were recorded someone was going through and setting looks for each fader but just manually setting intensity levels to zero while leaving color active. Best practice when recording these types of subs is to Go to Cue Out and zero out all your channel faders to guarantee a blank slate, adjust only the channels you want in the sub, and then Record the sub. Then you Go To Cue Out or Sneak and do the next. Or you can get really good at writing what you want for control faders into subs while in Blind.
And when your house light sub is recorded you may wish to make sure it cant be recorded in cues by excluding it from recording. That way when plotting a show you can have the house lights on a little so people can move around the space without the fear of them being recorded into cues.
And everyone learned a new definition for masking, i.e. selective record.

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